サムネイル引用元:Binance Returns to Japan via Sakura Exchange Acquisition(BINANCE FEED Beta)
Binanceは、昨年の11月30日に関東財務局登録の暗号資産交換業者である株式会社サクラエクスチェンジビットコインを買収し日本国内の暗号資産ビジネスに参入いたしましたが、以来、関係者の皆様と日本国内でWeb3のエコシステムの立上げに向けた準備を進めてまいりました。今回の国内向け新プラットフォームの設立はその最初のステップとして位置付けられ、当該プラットフォームの稼働に合わせて社名もサクラエクスチェンジビットコインから「Binance Japan株式会社(仮称)」への変更を予定しております。
このほか、Web3教育を推進する目的でユーザー向けに無料で提供する教育プラットフォームである「Binanceアカデミー」など、Binanceが有する世界最大級のブロックチェーンエコシステムを生かした様々な取り組みを国内において本格始動し、順次サービス拡充を図ります。これからのBinance Japanにどうぞご期待ください。
Binance Japan体制下における新サービス概要
サービス種別 | 機能 | 詳細 |
暗号資産現物(スポット)取引 | 入手金 | 日本円・暗号資産の入出金 |
取引 | コンバート(販売所) | |
現物取引(取引所) | ||
貸暗号資産 | Simple Earn | 暗号資産の貸付によって利息を得ることができるサービス |
自動購入(積立) | 定期的に決まった金額の暗号資産を積立投資できるサービス | |
NFT | NFTマーケットプレイス | NFTの売買ができるサービス |
暗号資産デリバティブ取引 | 取引 | 先物取引(時期未定。第1種金融商品取引業登録後に開始予定。) |
その他 | Binanceアカデミー等(順次) |
グローバル取引プラットフォーム 段階的終了および新取引プラットフォーム移行スケジュール(予定)
- デリバティブ取引口座開設の新規受付を終了
- 新規建注文のみを停止し、手仕舞い注文は6/23まで受け付けます。
- 当日までに決済が未了のポジションは自動で手仕舞いされます。
先物取引(新規注文)のレバレッジ上限が10倍に変更 - レバレッジの変更措置を含めて具体的な対応について別途ご案内いたします。
- 国内向け新プラットフォームでの暗号資産現物(スポット)取引における対応予定通貨:開始時は約30種類程度を予定。
- 本人確認手続きを完了された場合、対応可能通貨の残高は新プラットフォームに移管され、12/1以降国内向け新プラットフォームでの取引が可能です。
- 本人確認手続きを完了後も11/30までは継続してグローバル取引プラットフォームでの取引が可能です。
- 11/30までに対応可能通貨に交換いただくか、お引出しください。対応可能通貨以外の通貨について11/30までに当該手続きが取られない場合、同日中に当社が別途指定する時間をもってBTCに強制的に変換が実施されます。
- Margin取引の新規建注文(新規借入)の停止
- Earnの新規契約の停止
- 新規建注文のみを停止し、手仕舞い注文は11/19まで受付けます。
- 当日までに決済が未了のポジションは自動で手仕舞いされ、返還された証拠金(暗号資産)のうち非許可資産についてはBTCに強制変換されます。
- 当日までに決済が未了のポジションは自動で手仕舞いされ、証拠金(暗号資産)が返還されます。返還された暗号資産は現物アカウントに入ります。
- 当日までに未解約の契約は自動で強制解約され、返還された元本および報酬のうち非許可資産についてはBTCに強制変換されます。
- サービス終了に至るプロセスの詳細は追ってご連絡いたします。
- 暗号資産現物(スポット)取引終了。未執行注文のキャンセルと新規注文の停止が行われます。
- 対応可能通貨以外の通貨について11/30までに当該手続きが取られない場合、同日中の当社が別途指定する時間をもってBTCに強制的に変換が実施されます。
- 本人確認手続きが完了している場合、対応可能通貨の残高は新プラットフォームに移管され、国内向け新プラットフォームでのサービスをご利用いただけます。
- 本人確認手続きが完了されていない場合、暗号資産現物のお引き出しのみ可能
現物 | 先物 | (先物を除く)デリバティブ取引(オプション取引及びレバレッジドトークン等) | Earn | Margin | その他サービス | |
5/26 | デリバティブ取引口座開設 新規受付終了 |
※サービス終了に至るプロセスの詳細は追ってご連絡いたします。 | ||||
6/9 | 新規建注文停止 | |||||
6/23 | 新規注文レバレッジ上限が10倍に変更 | サービス終了 | ||||
10/27 | 新規契約停止 | 新規建注文(新規借入)停止 | ||||
11/6 | 新規注文停止 | |||||
11/20 | サービス終了 | |||||
11/27 | サービス終了 | サービス終了 | ||||
11/29 | サービス終了 | |||||
11/30 | サービス終了 |
現在、Binanceは、日本国内において当局との緊密な連携のもと、日本法令に準拠した形で新たな取引プラットフォームの設立に向け、鋭意準備を進めております。日本国内に居住されているお客様におかれましてはご理解賜りますようお願い申し上げます。Binanceが有する世界最大級のブロックチェーンエコシステムを生かした様々な取り組みを国内において本格始動し、順次サービス拡充を図ります。これからのBinance Japanにどうぞご期待ください。
バイナンス 英語圏向けアナウンス
Information for Japan Resident Customers of Binance.com About Transition to the New Local Platform
バイナンス 英語圏向けアナウンス 全文
Information for Japan Resident Customers of Binance.com About Transition to the New Local Platform
We are pleased to announce that we have created a new platform for residents in Japan in order to fully comply with local regulations. The new platform will be available this summer. We will inform the launch date and provide further details in the coming months.
With regard to the global platform you are currently using, please note the current services will be discontinued for Japan residents on November 30, 2023.
Users of the global platform will be able to migrate to the new local platform through a new identity verification process (KYC), which will be available after August 1, 2023.
If you have any questions, please reach out to customer service via CS chat.
<Upcoming Schedule of Gradual Restrictions of Global Platform and Migration Process to New Local Platform>
May 26, 2023
- Japan resident users will not be able to open new derivative accounts on the global platform.
June 9, 2023
Options: Japan resident users will not be able to increase positions or open new positions. All pending orders will also be canceled. You will have to close any existing positions you may have before June 23, 2023.
BLVT: Japan resident users will not be able to trade (buy/sell) or subscribe to Leveraged Tokens. You will continue to be able to “Redeem” existing positions until June 23, 2023.
June 23, 2023
Options & BLVT: Please monitor any open positions or subscriptions you have and close them before June 23, 2023. On June 23, 2023, Binance will close any remaining open positions.
- Any open positions relating to Leveraged Tokens and Options will be liquidated automatically and the respective funds will be returned to your wallet.
With effect from June 23, 2023, the Futures leverage will be limited to 10X. Futures users will receive separate notifications with details of these changes.
August 1, 2023
The migration link for Japan resident users to complete identity verification (KYC) will be available from August 1 until November 30, 2023.
Tokens available for spot trading in the new local platform: over 30 tokens. *Subject to change. The actual list of tokens will be shared separately once confirmed.
Japan resident users who have permitted tokens:
If you complete KYC for migration, you will be able to start using the new local platform after December 1.
You can continue using the global platform until November 30, even after you complete KYC.
Japan resident users who have unpermitted tokens:
- Please convert your unpermitted tokens to any of the permitted tokens or withdraw them to an external wallet. All the unpermitted tokens will be automatically converted to BTC on November 30, 2023.
October 27, 2023
Japan resident users will not be able to open new positions with Margin trading.
Japan resident users on the global platform will not be able to subscribe to any new Earn products.
November 6, 2023
Japan resident users will not be able to increase existing Futures positions or open new positions, and all open orders will be canceled.
Please monitor any open positions you have and close them by November 19, 2023.
November 20, 2023
Futures will be ceased.
- Open Futures positions will be liquidated and any available balance will be transferred to your wallet.
November 27, 2023
Margin trading services will be ceased.
- Open positions will be liquidated.
Earn services will cease. The digital assets you used to subscribe will be returned to your spot wallet, together with any accrued rewards.
November 29, 2023
All services except for Spot trading will be ceased.
- Detailed information will be provided separately.
November 30, 2023
Spot trading services will be ceased.
Spot trading services will be ceased.
Any open positions relating to spot trading will be canceled automatically. Japan resident users will not be able to open new positions.
Unpermitted assets will be automatically converted to BTC within the same day.
December 1, 2023
Migration completed to the new local platform.
Japan resident users who completed KYC for migration will be able to start using the new local platform.
Users who haven’t completed KYC will only be able to withdraw assets.
1.I have Futures positions. What do I need to do?
With effect from June 23, 2023, the maximum leverage available when opening a new futures trading position in your region will be set at 10x. Please also note that from November 6, 2023, you will not be able to open new futures positions or increase existing futures positions, and that you will be required to reduce and close all futures positions by November 19, 2023.
2.I have BLVT subscriptions. What do I need to do?
With effect from June 9, 2023, you will no longer be able to make new subscriptions to BLVT. Please note that you are required to redeem any existing BLVT subscriptions by June 23, 2023. After this date, any existing BLVT you may have will be automatically redeemed and returned to your spot wallet.
3.I have Options positions. What do I need to do?
With effect from June 9, 2023, you will no longer be able to open new Options positions or increase existing Options positions. Please note that you are required to reduce and close all existing Options positions by June 23, 2023. After this date, any Options you may have will be automatically closed and any balance will be returned to your spot wallet.
4.I have open positions with spot trading. What do I need to do?
On November 30, any open positions relating to spot trading will be canceled automatically and Japan resident customers will not be able to open new positions. Unpermitted assets will be automatically converted to BTC within the same day. You will be required to close all open positions by then.
5.Why is Binance forcing me to close my derivatives positions?
We are in the process of establishing a local exchange dedicated to local users to comply with all applicable laws in the country. Binance is committed to complying with the laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where it operates.
6.Why is Binance making me use the Binance JP platform? I was happy with how things were working before.
We are in the process of establishing a local exchange dedicated to local users to comply with all applicable laws in the country. Binance is the world’s leading blockchain infrastructure provider and we are thrilled to bring our suite of services in due course.
7.Will Japanese users be able to continue using Binance.com?
We are on schedule to launch our local platform this summer of 2023. Japan resident users of Binance.com will be able to access the migration link to complete the identity verification process (KYC) from August 1 to November 30, 2023. In the meantime, Japan resident users can continue using the global platform until November 30, even after they complete KYC. However, Japan resident users won’t be able to use the global platform from December onwards. We will share more information once available.
8.Will Binance Japan offer the same products as Binance.com?
Binance Japan will have a limited number of tokens available for spot trading at the initial stage, and there are limitations on certain product offerings to comply with local regulations. We will add more products and services when it is possible to do so.
9.What tokens are available for spot trading under the new Japan platform?
At this point, we are unable to confirm the exact list of tokens available for the new Japan platform, but we aim to provide over 30 tokens as a first step. We will provide updates and more information once new tokens are confirmed.
10.Are you offering Derivatives under the new local platform?
Binance Japan will not provide derivatives services at the initial stage to comply with local regulations. In the future, we plan to continue to enrich our service offerings in Japan and will work closely with regulators to possibly provide derivatives services in a fully compliant manner.
11.What will happen to my assets on Binance.com?
Please note that with effect from December 1, 2023, all Binance.com accounts held by local Japanese resident users will be set to “withdrawal-only mode.” This means from December 1, 2023 onwards, you will no longer be able to trade on the global platform, and are required to withdraw your assets from the global platform.
12.What happens if I still have open positions in non-permitted products or tokens after the deadline?
On December 1, 2023, all positions in non-permitted products and tokens will be automatically liquidated to BTC using current market prices. Therefore we encourage users to take action before the deadline. For Futures, please monitor any open positions you have and close them by November 19, 2023. For open positions with spot trading, please close them by November 29, 2023.
13.What can I do with the assets that are not permitted in Binance Japan on 1st December 1?
Before the deadline, users can choose to withdraw their assets or liquidate them by November 29, 2023. After December 1, assets will be automatically liquidated and services for non-permitted products and tokens will cease.
14.I no longer live in Japan. Can I reset KYC/POA to continue using the global platform instead of the new Japan platform?
If you chose Japan as your Country of Residence in the past but you moved to a different country now, you can reset your Country of Residence by submitting the Proof of Address (POA) document. If you have dual citizenship, you need to choose one based on your current address and submit the Proof of Address to verify.